IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC)

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs) are independent contractors hired by exhibiting companies. These are companies that are typically signatory to the local unions. They can include labor building your booth, booth supervisors, booth designers. independent display companies, etc.

The deadline to submit the online EAC form is 13 December 2024

  • An EAC will only be granted access to the show floor if show management has received the EAC Authorization form and a valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) is submitted through the form. There will be no exceptions.
  • EACs will not have access to the exhibit hall on show days.
  • Exhibiting companies MUST notify show management of any EACs who will be working on or supervising their booth no later than 13 December 2024 by completing and returning the applicable form for each of their exhibitor appointed contractors to show management.
  • If you are using an Official Contractor, you do not have to complete the EAC Authorization Form.
  • EACs must comply with all guidelines (below).

EACs are required to follow strict guidelines regarding union jurisdiction. They may hire their own local union personnel to build the booth. All exclusive services must still be completed by the designated official contractor. For insurance and safety reasons, the official contractors designated in this manual must be used for the following services (no exceptions will be made):

  • Electrical
  • Telephone
  • PlumbingMaterial Handling / Drayage
  • Booth Cleaning
  • Rigging

  • EACs are not allowed on the show floor during show hours. If an EAC needs access during show hours, they must also register as exhibit booth personnel.
  • All EACs must comply with all show rules and regulations and accept appropriate liability for any negligent actions.
  • EACs shall be prepared to show evidence to show management and official contractors that it possesses applicable and current contracts.
  • The exhibitor agrees that they are ultimately responsible for all services in connection with their exhibit, including freight, material handling, rentals and labor.
  • The show aisles and public spaces are not part of the exhibitor’s booth. Therefore, the EAC is required to confine all activities to the exhibit space of the exhibitor who has given the valid order for services.
  • Solicitation on the exhibit floor is prohibited. Any EAC engaged in solicitation on the exhibit floor including the distribution of official company literature will be removed from the exhibit floor, unless pre-approved in writing by show management.
  • All lifts and manpower must be provided by the official service contractor.
  • The use of all motorized lifting equipment by exhibitors or EACs for installation of booth structures or signs is not permitted.
  • All property of the EAC is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to and from the confines of the exhibit hall and during the show.
  • Please be advised that exhibitors are responsible for show management’s receipt of a properly completed Independent Contractor/(EAC) Certificate of Insurance prior to the show. Exhibitor will be responsible for any losses, damages or injuries that are caused by or attributed to exhibitor’s appointed contractor that are not covered or provided by the contractor’s insurance.

NOTE, show management will not be able to intervene on an exhibitor’s behalf in the event of inadequate performance from a non-official contractor selection.

  • Wristbands give EACs access to the show floor during move-in and move-out only:
    • 20 January 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    • 21 January 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • 23 January 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM
    • 24 January 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Wristbands will only be given to EACs if show management has received the following forms:
    • EAC Work Authorization Form, received from exhibiting company.
    • Valid Certificate of Insurance, received from EAC.
  • Wristbands will be distributed at the security desk.
  • Wristbands are not available in advance.
  • Wristbands must be worn at all times during move-in and move-out and be clearly visible to security personnel.

IEEE Power & Energy Society, Canfield Management, Corporation of San Diego, City of San Diego, San Diego Unified Port District, and their respective members, officers, directors, agents and employees, and Freeman are listed as additional insureds, as respects to claims arising out of the operations of Exhibiting Company at IEEE PES Grid Edge Conference & Exposition 21-23 January 2025 in San Diego, CA.

The EAC shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain through the term of the 2025 IEEE PES Grid Edge Show (including move-in and move-out), comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury or death and property damage occurring in or upon or resulting from the premises leased by IEEE PES. Such insurance shall include contractual liability and product liability coverage, with the following limits:

General LiabilityMinimum LimitsWorkers CompensationMin Limits
General Aggregate$1,000,000EL – Each Limit$100,000
Products – COMP/OP AGG$1,000,000EL – Disease-Policy Limit$100,000
Personal and Adv Injury$1,000,000El – Disease-EA Employee$100,000
Each Occurrence$1,000,000
Fire Damage (Any one fire)$100,000
Medical Expense (Any one person)$5,000

Workers Compensation and Occupational Disease insurance shall be in full compliance with all federal and state laws, covering all EAC’s employees engaged in the performance of any work for the exhibitor.

Certificate Holders
Submit Certificates to Show Management via the EAC Authorization form.

Note: IEEE Power & Energy Society, Canfield Management, Corporation of San Diego, City of San Diego, San Diego Unified Port District, and their respective members, officers, directors, agents and employees, and Freeman must be listed as additional insureds on the COI submitted.


Contact the Grid Edge Exhibits Team at [email protected] or call (972) 521-9902.