IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric

Frequently Asked Questions & Event safety

Below is a list of frequently asked questions to help you in your planning to attend the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Exposition.

TOP Questions

The exhibit hall will be located at:
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Drive

San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 525-5000

Date Hours 
Wednesday, 22 January10:00 AM – 5:00 PM 
Thursday, 23 January10:00 AM – 3:00 PM 

  • Booths canceled or reduced in size by 26 July 2024 are eligible for a refund of 75% of cost for canceled/reduced exhibit space (i.e. exhibit space $3500, paid $1750, refund of $875 due).
  • Booths canceled or reduced in size after 26 July 2024 are not eligible for a refund even if space is resold.
  • Any company cancelling all or part of their contracted exhibit space after this date will forfeit any payment previously made.

Exhibitor Logistics


  • Monday, 20 January
    • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM*
    • *Booths 600 SF or larger (if needed, times arranged directly with exhibitors)
  • Tuesday, 21 January
    • 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    • All Exhibitor Move-in
    • Must be set by 4:00 PM


  • Thursday, 23 January
    • 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday, 24 January
    • 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
    • Must be removed by 10:00 AM

Exhibitors can access the show floor during move-in and move-out hours. On show days exhibitors can access the show floor beginning at 8:00 AM and must exit the floor once the hall closes each night. Please note: if you hire an EAC they cannot access the exhibit hall on show days. The EAC guidelines with additional details will be available in the summer.

Please note that furniture and carpet is available to order from our general services contractor, Freeman. The exhibitor manual will be available in the fall of 2024.

Electrical services can be ordered through the Exhibitor Service Manual available in the fall.


Will you be bringing your booth materials in a POV (Privately Owned Vehicle)? Freeman will provide Cart Service for those with POVs. What is considered a POV? Any cars, pick-ups, vans, trucks primarily designed for passenger use, not cargo or freight. Some service highlights can be found below.

Cart Service Includes: 

  • Freeman workers with flat cart scooters will assist with unloading. 
  • Each cart can handle a load of 3’ wide X 4’ long X 3’ high 
  • Each load must not exceed 300 lbs. 
  • Storage of empty cardboard/product boxes (no additional charge) 

Service Dates & Times: 

Move-In:  Tuesday, 21 January        8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

Move-Out: Thursday, 23 January           3:00 PM – 10:00 PM 

Any vehicles that do not qualify for this service or require mechanical assistance to unload will be directed to the Freeman Marshalling Yard.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs) are independent contractors hired by exhibiting companies. These are companies that are typically signatory to the local unions. They can include labor building your booth, booth supervisors, booth designers, independent display companies, etc.

EAC’s will only be granted access to the show floor if show management has received the EAC Authorization form and a valid Certificate of Insurance. They will not have access to the exhibit hall on show days. The EAC submittal form will be available in the summer of 2024.

EAC companies that are not registered and have approved insurance will not be allowed to work on the property.  

Registration and Visas

Exhibitor housing and registration will be available this fall.

Booths come with 4 (or more) complimentary exhibitor badges, which allow access to the Exhibit Hall, Sessions and Networking Events. Exhibitors who wish to add additional exhibitor registrations may do so through the registration portal available this fall.

Booths come with 4 (or more) complimentary exhibitor badges, which allow access to the Exhibit Hall, Sessions and Networking Events. Badge allotments are based on booth size, refer to table below for actual allotments.

Booth SizeBadge Allotment
100 SF4
200 SF7
300 SF8
400 SF9
Greater than 400 SF9+1 additional badge per 100 SF
Ex: 600 SF = 11 badges

No, each company can register any company personnel of their choice, we do not pre-register the contact that reserves the booth. Registration will open in the fall of 2024 and exhibitors will be sent information on how to register their complementary badges.

Exhibitor badges allow access to the entire IEEE PES Grid Edge show (sessions, exhibit hall and networking events.

Marketing, Attendee Lists, Leads and Special Events

There are many ways you can promote your participation in Grid Edge. We are currently working on more info and downloadable examples for you to make your promotions easy.

In addition, through your exhibitor badge registration portal, available this fall, you can use the Invite Customers section to provide your customers and prospects a reduced rate Conference Registration. You can download the form from the portal to do an email blast or mailing to invite your customers and prospects to visit your booth or duplicate the one in this manual found on the previous page. They can register on-line and save time and money.

Information on how to purchase attendee mailing lists will be available in your exhibitor badge registration portal.

Lead retrieval ordering information can be found here.

Lead retrieval is a scanner that can be used to scan badges of the individuals that come by your booth. With the scanner you will have access to the contact information, including emails, for these individuals.


Material handling (drayage) is the service of receiving freight at either the advance warehouse or show site. This service includes the following:

  • Acceptance of freight shipped to advance warehouse
  • Storage of up to 30 days prior to move-in  
  • Delivery of freight to show site OR acceptance of freight delivered directly to show site  
  • Delivery of freight from dock to booth  
  • Pick up and storage of “empty” crates/boxes for duration of show  
  • Delivery of “empties” from storage back to booth for move-out  
  • Freight transferred from booth to dock for return shipment  
  • Loading of crates/boxes onto outgoing carrier  

Additional shipping info, costs and contacts are available on Freeman Online.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.  Thank you for your understanding and support!

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

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