IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric

Shipping Information

  • Check out the weight of your exhibit. Lightweight designs save on shipping and drayage.
  • Remove old shipping labels and attach clean labels with your company name and booth number clearly marked.
  • Be sure to attach a rider to your insurance policy from the time your exhibit and product leave your possession until it is returned. Your company is responsible for your exhibit and product.
  • Shrink-wrap all your cartons onto a skid to avoid any special handling charges. Be sure to securely pack and tape your boxes.
  • Ship prepaid and keep an inventory and the PRO numbers of all your shipments.
  • If delivering to the advance warehouse, confirm delivery with both Freeman and your shipping company.
  • Make sure that all shipments are accompanied with a certified weight certificate.

The preferred International Freight Forwarder is:

DSV Solutions – Fairs & Exhibitions
Contact: Matthew Rusk
[email protected] Direct: (941) 861-8937 / Mobile: (630) 408-9664
Website: https://www.dsv.com/en-us/

To send the boxes care of Freeman so they arrive directly at your booth, there are two options. Both do incur material handling charges from Freeman.

  1. Advance Warehouse:
    • Shipments can arrive between Wednesday, 18 December and Tuesday, 14 January 2025.
    • Shipments received after 14 January are subject to a surcharge.
    • Address shipments:
      Exhibiting Company Name / Booth #
      Grid Edge Technologies Conference and Exposition
      C/O Freeman
      3456 E Miraloma Ave
      Anaheim, CA  92806
  2. Direct to Show Site:
    • Shipments can arrive on-site starting 20 January 2025.
    • Address Shipments:
      Exhibiting Company Name / Booth #
      Exhibitor Name
      Grid Edge Technologies Conference and Exposition
      San Diego Convention Center
      c/o Freeman
      111 W Harbor Drive
      San Diego, CA 92101 USA

Further details and costs are available in the exhibitor manual at Freeman Online.

General Shipping Dates

  • 18 December 2024 Advance Shipments may begin arriving at Warehouse
  • 14 January 2025 Last day Advance Shipments may arrive at warehouse w/o surcharge
  • 20-21 January 2025 Only days Shipments may arrive on-site

International Shipping Dates

  • 20 December 2024 Last Day for LCL Sea Freight to arrive in Los Angeles (Adv Warehouse)
  • 31 December 2024 Last Day for LCL Sea Freight to arrive in Los Angeles (Direct to Show)
  • 23 December 2024 Last Day for FCL Sea Freight to arrive in Long Beach (Adv Warehouse)
  • 6 January 2025 Last Day for FCL Sea Freight to arrive in Long Beach (Direct to Show)
  • 27 December 2024 Last Day for Air Freight to arrive in Los Angeles (LAX) (Adv Warehouse)
  • 10 January 2025 Last Day for Air Freight to arrive in Los Angeles (LAX) (Direct to Show)

  • Shipping to the advance warehouse best to ensure your items arrive on time. Shipments to the warehouse can arrive between December 18 – January 14.
  • Schedule your shipment to arrive between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. (Drivers must check in by 3:30 PM) for freight receipt at the warehouse to avoid unnecessary surcharges. Penalties will be assessed if materials arrive before or after move-in dates/times.
  • For on-site deliveries, expect at least a 3-hour wait for your materials to be unloaded from the time your truck checks in at the marshalling yard. For afternoon arrivals it is wise to order labor for the following day.
  • If shipping direct to SDCC, schedule your labor for after your delivery time as freight may take several hours to be delivered to your booth. Freeman cannot guarantee what time your freight will be delivered to your booth on the day it arrives.
  • Check-in to the marshalling yard on straight time. Check-in prior to 3:30 PM to ensure same day delivery.

  • Make return shipping arrangements in advance.
  • Prepare and pack labels for your outbound shipment prior to the show.
  • Avoid forced shipments on the outbound. Contract only with carriers familiar with the tradeshow industry.

Material handling (drayage) is the service of receiving freight at either the advance warehouse or show site. This service includes the following:

  • Acceptance of freight shipped to advance warehouse (freight accepted 18 December – 14 January.
  • Storage of up to 30 days prior to move-in
  • Delivery of freight to show site OR acceptance of freight delivered directly to show site
  • Delivery of freight from dock to boothPick up and storage of “empty” crates/boxes for duration of show
  • Delivery of “empties” from storage back to booth for move-out
  • Freight transferred from booth to dock for return shipment
  • Loading of crates/boxes onto outgoing carrier


Will you be bringing your booth materials in a POV (Privately Owned Vehicle)?
Union rules restrict any hand-carry options through the dock area.  Exhibitors may hand carry items through the front door of the center to their booth, but it must be able to be carried with no dolly or cart and by 1 person in 1 trip.  Another option is Freeman will provide Cart Service for those with POVs. What is considered a POV? Any cars, pick-ups, vans, trucks primarily designed for passenger use, not cargo or freight. Some service highlights can be found below. For the full details, directions, qualifying vehicles, and fine print, please click here.

Cart Service Includes:

  • Freeman workers with flat cart scooters will assist with unloading.
    • Each cart can handle a load of 3’ Wide x 4’ Long x 3’ High.
    • Each load must not exceed 300 lbs.
    • Storage of empty cardboard/product boxes (no additional charge)

Rates: $298.5 per round trip (from dock to booth and booth to dock)

Service Dates & Times:


  • Tuesday, 21 January              8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


  • Thursday, 23 January            3:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Any vehicles that do not qualify for this service or require mechanical assistance to unload will be directed to the Freeman Marshalling Yard.


Contact the Grid Edge Exhibits Team at [email protected] or call (972) 521-9902.