IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric

Payment Info

Make checks payable to:

IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Exposition
Attn: Canfield Event Management
2770 Main Street, Suite 106
Frisco, TX 75033, USA

  • All checks must be in US dollars and drawn on US banks.
  • Please note your booth number on all checks.

IEEE Federal Tax ID Number: #13-1656633

Email [email protected] requesting wire transfer instructions.

Upon receipt, Grid Edge Exhibits will send an email response with all applicable wire transfer instructions.

You must add an additional $25.00 service fee to cover processing charges for each wire transfer payment

Coming soon!

W-2 Requests: Send an email to [email protected] for all W-2 requests.

Contract and Deposits are due within 30 days of the receipt of your space application. Failure to comply could result in the release of your booth space.

Payment Schedule
Contracts/Applications Received:

  • Before 6 July 2024 – 50% Due within 30 days of Application
  • On 26 July 2024 – 50% Due with Application
  • After 26 July 2024 – 100% Due with application
  • Late Fee: A 5% late fee may be applied to any payments received after 26 August 2024

Cancellation Policy

  • All cancellations or reductions must be made in writing by email.
  • On or before 26 July 2024 – Refund of 75% of exhibit space fee.
  • After 26 July 2024 – No refund will be made for cancellation, even if the space is resold. Any company canceling all or part of the contracted exhibit space after this date will forfeit any payment previously made.


Contact the Grid Edge Exhibits Team at [email protected] or call (972) 521-9902.