IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric

Grid Edge Attendee Lists

Looking to purchase an attendee list or lead retrieval for your booth, check out the following options available to exhibitors. Beware the only IEEE approved company that can provide this information is XPress Leads by Convention Data Services (CDS). If another company offers to sell you an attendee list, it is a scam!

Contact XPress Leads for questions or more information at (800) 746-9734 or [email protected].

Save money, order Lead Retrieval early online. Show Code: grid0125

Learn about other booth promotional opportunities available through CDS.

NOTE: All exhibitors will receive a “preview list” 2 weeks prior to Grid Edge. The preview list only includes company names and titles (when provided).

Interested in sending a pre-or post-show mailing to attendees? Purchase the official Grid Edge attendee list.

Mailing list ONLY includes:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Title
  • Mailing Address
  • Contact Title/Job Function from demographic choice
  • Contact’s Primary Area Interest
  • Category selected by registrant
  • Anticipated 3,000-5,000 attendees
  • Only available for exhibitor purchase
  • Through CDS you will choose demographics (if applicable), make payment, and download the list
  • Pre-Show List available: 20 December 2025. Instruction email will be sent. One download only. The longer you wait, the more names you’ll have.
  • Cost: Pre-show: $300. Post-show: $350

Get your message out with a pre- or post-show email blast to attendees.

  • One-time use only
  • System is limited to 3 total emails sent per day
  • Scheduling is on a first come-first-serve basis
  • NO EMAILS provided to exhibitors
  • Send email content to CDS and they will send out to attendees
  • Only available for exhibitor purchase
  • Through CDS you will choose launch date, demographics (if applicable), make payment, and send HTML file to CDS.
  • Available send dates: 15 December – 31 January 2025
  • Cost: $800 per email

Don’t miss a single sales lead! Not everyone will carry a business card, however every attendee will have a badge with a QR code for you to scan with lead retrieval through CDS.

Data Includes:

  • Company Name
  • First and Last Name
  • Title
  • Address
  • Contact Title/Job Function from demographic choice
  • Contact’s Primary Area Interest
  • Category selected by registrant
  • 3 scanning options (compare your device vs 2 CDS device options)
  • Leads online for 90 days post-show
  • Costs start at $370 and can range depending on scanning option and add-ons.
  • Early Bird Deadline: 19 January 2023
  • Advance Deadline: 23 February 2023


Contact the Grid Edge Exhibits Team at [email protected] or call (972) 521-9902.