IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric

Frequently Asked Questions


Below is a list of frequently asked questions to help you in your planning to attend the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Exposition.

The Grid Edge Technologies event will be held 21-23 January 2025 in San Diego. Planning is underway and more event details will be announced in the coming months.

The new IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies event will serve as a collaborative forum, bringing together a variety of organizations helping to deliver enhanced productivity, efficiency, and interoperability to the grid. In additional to grid edge service and solution providers, key participants include:

  • Electric Utilities
  • Municipalities
  • Academics
  • Big Tech
  • Design Consultants
  • Transportation Planners
  • Startups
  • Policy Makers

Yes! The event is designed with unique programming and networking opportunities for the next generation of energy professionals to advance in their careers. More details on the program will be available soon.

Yes! The Student Housing Support Program provides free accommodation in the conference designated hotels during the conference. Details will be announced soon.

Yes! Become a Grid Edge Technologies Supporter and gain exposure before, during, and after the event. Supporter opportunity details will be available soon.

2025 IEEE Power & Energy Society Grid Edge Technologies Conference and Exposition is fast approaching, and we look forward to welcoming you to the event on 21-23 January 2025 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.  Thank you for your understanding and support!

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!