IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Power and Energy Society SDGE | San Diego Gas & Electric


Utilities are integral to solving tomorrow’s energy grid challenges, and we want to make it easy for the whole team to add their voices. make it easy for the whole team to add their voices. That’s why we’re once again offering the Utility Saver Package, an enormous discount just for utilities, when registration opens Summer 2024.

Get full access to the event, including exhibit hall, conference sessions, opening reception, and social functions, and save big! Send 10 utility employees with full conference registration for only $1,000, or five employees for $750.

This package is intended solely for the electric utility companies – A corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity instrumentality aligned with distribution facilities for delivery of electric energy for use primarily by the public. Included are investor-owned electric utilities, municipal and State utilities, Federal electric utilities, and rural electric cooperatives. 

To access the Utility Saver Package, one member of your team will register using our online system. By selecting the Utility Saver Package, they will then receive a promo code that will allow remaining team members to register. Each team member will need to register under the same email domain or organizational structure, ie: @sdge.com. The Utility Saver Package will be available once event registration has opened.

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